Individual & Group therapy
I offer in-person and telehealth services in both individual and group settings. I am licensed in Tennessee, Iowa, Florida, and South Carolina and am currently able to offer services to individuals living in those states.
I offer in-person services at my office in Midtown Nashville.
Please reach out to me directly if you are interested in individual or group therapy. For updated group offerings, please click here.
Individual therapy
Individual therapy is conducted one on one and can be offered in a virtual setting or in-person. Typically, therapy is conducted on a weekly basis with frequency reducing as needed. However, this is flexible based on your needs, scheduling, finances, and more.
This form of therapy can be a great place to dive deep into your inner experiences in a safe and affirming setting.
Group therapy
"Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued---when they can give and receive without judgement." - Brene Brown, PhD
Group therapy is different from individual in that it gives clients the opportunity to heal in community. When we can work on our own path to well-being while witnessing others do the same, the healing that takes place can be tremendous and transformative.​
I have conducted groups in many settings and have a range of offerings depending on the time. Please check my "upcoming events" to see what offerings are currently available.